Saturday, June 27, 2015

Should I audition to be a Korean Pop Star?

Hey what's up fellow bloggers and readers! I have been asking myself this question: Should I audition to be a Korean Pop Star? Well, I have been researching on different websites and I have found very disturbing and fascinating news. There are those who were trainees but dropped out due to stress or just impatient that there will be no debuting in the future.

Also, it is very rigorous. There are even camps where there are a large selections of future Kpop stars from a young age of seven and there are only a few selected and the rest are sent home. However there are stories like Vixx where they were chosen and only trained for about three years more or less.

Jellyfish Entertainment Logo
Also, I want to also lose a couple of pounds and maybe also do dance for a couple of years in college. So guys.. what is your opinion? (Oh, I want to audition for Jellyfish Entertainment (Logo above) but if there are other good companies I will also look into them with your suggestions). Thanks!

VIXX with PSY! 
Please leave comments if you wish! If you wish to make any suggestions, you can email at or just leave a comment below!  Also Follow me! :D

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