Monday, June 15, 2015

Review and Thoughts on “喜欢一个人” (Pleasantly Surprised)

Hi guys! I wanted to spend time with the family so I didn't post anything! Sorry guys! I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday morning though! I am! I think that by the time, I am done with writing this post it might be in the afternoon. I just found this new Taiwanese drama called "Love Myself or You?" “Pleasantly Surprised" but the literal Chinese translation of “喜欢一个人” is "Like one person". It's a combination of a romance/comedy drama with a lot of dramatic moments... hence it is a drama. Well, enough about what it is! What is "Pleasantly Surprised"or "Love Myself or You?" about?

This drama is about a woman named Du Kai Qi who is played by Puff Guo (shown below on the left), a brilliant chef at a restaurant in Taiwan. (By the way, she is the same actress who starred as the main character in "Love Now!" with Aaron Yan from 飛輪海). Kai Qi comes off as a cold person and shuts off anyone who try to have a relationship with her. She just wants to open her own restaurant and live her life the way she wants. Besides being a chef, she loves to frequent a French resutrant by the mysterious Louis who is played by Jasper Liu. (below on right)

 Hahaha! You guys thought I was going to give away what happens in the entire the season? That wouldn't be any fun! The enjoyment comes from watching the series! heheh ok guys ill give you a brief summary of what happens so far but not too much where you guys might not watch it!

When the first episode started, I was mesmerized by the opening song. It gives a sense of happiness and carefreeness. To me it started to make me sway. Then, it shows a chef and damn is he good looking (In my opinion) and then it shows the female protagonist. (We do not know the names of these characters as of this point). The woman comments of the cuisine that she is eating and I think that the food that she is eating is made by the chef in the beginning of the episode. (WARNING: YOU MAY WANT TO EAT WHILE WATCHING THIS. I got hungry during this part and its only the beginning). We finally see the end of the meal and find out that the chef's name is Louis and the woman wants to meet Louis. But the waitress calls him "Mr.Fu"so that says something. But the woman who we find out later to be Du Kai Qi had to go on a family emergency. Thus, their fates from then on were intertwined.

As the story progresses, you can kinda see that she wants to be more open to people but just when she gets further and makes connections with others, she closes herself off again. She just wants to cook at the French restaurant she works at with several other people. Along with her co-workers, they begin to find themselves maturing into better people and forming relationships with each other and others outside the restaurant family.

Well... I can't give away the whole first episode but I hope you guys I am on episode 14 and that's how far i have gotten. If I had watched all the episodes in one sitting, I don't think that I will be able to write anything because everything will be a giant marshmallow in my brain. If someone says that you do not need a lot of energy to watch tv.. they are wrong! It takes a lot of energy to watch something, even if you like it! I find myself to be totally into the show and then when it is over or I have the get up to get something, I get so tired.

But.....I haven't finished the series yet because there are 22 episodes and each episode is an hour long. I started the first episode after finals and may have slept through some of the episodes so I am rewetting it. But so far, I feel like the story has a great plot line and it opens the main character quite nicely. Though, I feel that the relationship currently between the two brothers is really childish... Why would the older brother blame his younger brother for hurting his hand? Instead of whining and complaining and putting the blame on his younger brother, he should just try to make himself better! It should drive more determination in himself if he wanted to become the best chef!

What about the characters? I think that the characters had a great chemistry between them. There was no awkward moments but of course there were awkward moments between the characters when it was necessary. Every time a character cried, you can feel that your heart kinda hurting and feeling sorry for the character. For me.. there were a couple of tears here and there. Also, there were moments where you are like.. "What the...". but that gives good comedy!

Guys... I love a good romance and comedy but it's better when it's together. :D

(This is my first real post so it might not be good D:, I would appreciate it if you guys can leave feedback! Plus I will post an update on how I thought the ending was!)

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