Monday, June 29, 2015

NEW SONG: Bangtan Boys (BTS): Dope 쩔어

Hi guys! How are you doing?! Ok, I know I have been posting guy Groups but I really like this one. The next group and song I will be talking about will be Bangtan Boys: Dope which was their comeback! They made their comeback about six days ago and I'm so excited to watch it! I hope you enjoy!
Members of BTS

                          Rating on Music Video (Overall):Out of 10

                                                  Music Video: 
I love the beginning of the music video. Rap monster talks to us and seems to pick us up from camera view. I love how it seems to be shot from only one camera. There are no breaks. Ok let's talk about the costumes for a second. Damn. They look so good on them. It seems that Jungkook is a police officer and other member is a doctor and other a racer. Then they are in uniforms. Ok they are freaking awesome. The set is simple. There is no fancy setting but only ordinary props which I like since not a lot of groups that I see use. Also, I like how they seem to be continuous but change uniforms in an instant.

                                        Music and Choreography: 
I love this song. It has good beat and the choreography is just unique like the members. I personally love the dance where it's after "It's sick". I wasn't excepting that type of dance. It was literally perfect in my eyes Usually sometimes I can see that in the Music Video there are mistakes where one member is a bit behind but I don't see it here. They are literally in sync. Damn. Props to them. The music is interesting. It makes me want to listen to it again and again. Actually, I'm actually watching it as I am typing it so it's a more natural feedback. This is my fifth time listening to it and I love it!

The English. It's great. Everything is clear. It makes sense. Yo! Korean improving their English! Jung kook, even thought you got a 4/100 on your English exam, you speak really good english in this music video. I know it is not easy speaking another language since I am kinda Bilingual (English and Cantonese) so I gotta give your props.

                                 Personal Feelings and Etc on BTS: 
I have been following BTS since they debuted and I Love how that they have matured from their first music video. They have been my Top Five Korean Groups that I love to listen to and follow. The reason why I love them is that it seems that they speak from their experiences. There was one song: N.O where they were speaking about the stress and how they did not want to do be repressed anymore. Also, the members have a unique personality and exterior. They do not look the same nor act the same. Their choreography isn't as mainstream as other groups and bring out their own style with each other.

Bias?? Hmmm I am stuck on J-Hope and Jungkook. Im stuck because they both are great singers and have great personalities but J-Hope makes me laugh all the time (he also dances really well!) ane Jungkook is cute and he just makes you like smile all the time :) Me and Jungkook the same age! :D Who is your bias?!



I hope you enjoyed BTS like I do and Follow my google page! If you guys wanna see videos of me reacting to kpop mvs just message me on my page or email which ones! :D

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Should I audition to be a Korean Pop Star?

Hey what's up fellow bloggers and readers! I have been asking myself this question: Should I audition to be a Korean Pop Star? Well, I have been researching on different websites and I have found very disturbing and fascinating news. There are those who were trainees but dropped out due to stress or just impatient that there will be no debuting in the future.

Also, it is very rigorous. There are even camps where there are a large selections of future Kpop stars from a young age of seven and there are only a few selected and the rest are sent home. However there are stories like Vixx where they were chosen and only trained for about three years more or less.

Jellyfish Entertainment Logo
Also, I want to also lose a couple of pounds and maybe also do dance for a couple of years in college. So guys.. what is your opinion? (Oh, I want to audition for Jellyfish Entertainment (Logo above) but if there are other good companies I will also look into them with your suggestions). Thanks!

VIXX with PSY! 
Please leave comments if you wish! If you wish to make any suggestions, you can email at or just leave a comment below!  Also Follow me! :D

Cantonese Singer: Alfred Hui

Hi guys! What going on? I know I have been only posting Korean Boy groups but today, I'm posting about Cantopop (Cantonese Pop)!  As you can tell from the huge banner above, I will be talking about Alfred Hui! I accidentally found him while doing homework at college on a youtube playlist that was recommended for me. The first song that I heard from him was "Shelter".

At first, I only listened to him because he sang Cantonese and I wanted to listen to Cantonese music for a change; however after hearing him sing "Shelter", I was instantly hooked. I kept listening to him over and over agin. When I study, I get really tense so I tend to listen to Alfred to calm me or another Korean op group Vixx  but that is another post for later.

                                            Here is the song that captivated me to him!
                                                                Alfred Hui- Shelter

I really enjoy Alfred Hui's music. I can actually feel is emotions through his voice. As a Canto (Person of Cantonese origin) who does not speak a lot of Cantonese, his songs are for the common people. He makes it simple but enjoyable.

As an Asian, singing is one of the things to be proud of, in my opinion because I do not have a voice apparently but its one thing to hold a high degree and sing. Alfred is one prime example. He went to Hone Kong University, which I think is one of the top university in Hong Kong. So he is smart! He was discovered while in college when he decided to audition  and he made it! Instead of dropping out and pursue a music career, he still got his Doctorate in Dentistry. Dentistry! He does have a license to practice dentistry. I will let him do my teeth anytime! Also, he is only 27! Being a Doctor and A singer at 27?1 Accomplished Asian right here! (Him posing in his graduation outfit on the right!)
I thought I did not speak English and I thought well if he did speak English, it will be a limited amount of English; however I saw a video of him speaking fluent English with no accent. I remember that Hong Kong (fun fact) was under British Rule for 99 years and was released June 30th, 1996. So they would speak perfect English.

Besides his talents, he is extremely cute. Apparently he has a similarity to Wu Chun (Former member of Fahrenheit) . I kinda see it but sometimes I think that it is a bit over exaggerated.  What do you guys think??
Alfred Hui
Wu Chun

Here are a couple of songs that I like!

  1. Alfred Hui - 福氣         




2. Alfred Hui:     



3. Alfred Hui:    


(I could not find the music video for the third video but the audio is really good!)

Thanks guys! That's all I have on Alfred Hui! i wished he performed here in the Tri-State area. Maybe I'll see him in Hong Kong when I go! Have a great night guys!

NEW SONG: Block-B-Zero for Conduct

Hi guys! I have been following this particular Korean boy group, Blcok-B, for a while. I am a not a huge fan but I think after hearing this song that it brought me a bit closer to becoming one. They released a new song called "Zero for Conduct" from their new album "Bastarz".

A Sexy and Serious Side! 

A Hilarious and Unique Side to Block-B!

                                             Music Video: 
OMG. This is a totally different side of Block-B that I have not seen. Yes they have shown their sexy side but this music video brings out their mysterious and sexy side at the same time. Ummm P.O like damn... I am a bit impressed with this music video. Honestly, I thought I was going to listen to another group do a gangster type of music but it shocked me when a member started singing. It went with something really strong and aggressive to something passive and I like that! Umm... one comment.. what is with the girls chopping meat in plastic clothing... well there was not much clothing in the first place.e The girls were with only with like a bra and panties with garters. I never expected that they will have something like that in a music video let alone a Korean one.

                                           Music and Choreography: 
I really enjoyed listen to this sone: with and without watching the music video. I liked how it is was brought and smooth in some areas. It made the music that much more enjoyable. I was like rocking my head back and forward like Willow Smith in her music video. I like how the choreography was arranged. It totally matched with the music. I wanna learn it... There is a place in the music video where it makes you wanna shake yourself side to side.
I have no complaints about the English. It was understandable and clear and concise. I feel that their english is improving as they mature compared to several music videos ago. Honestly, there were a couple parts where I thought that there was a part where they were going to speak english but they surprise me with a bunch of Korean rap and I love it!


          Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy their music as much as I do! Hwaiting Sunbaes!!! :D


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

NEW KPOP GROUP: Monsta X-Trespass

Hi guys! There are a couple of Korean Boy groups that have been debuting but there was one that caught my eye. They are called Monsta X which consist of six members. They debuted on May 14, 2015 with the song Trespass. Monsta X is the first hip-hop group to debut under Starship Entertainment, the home of Sistar, K.Will and Boyfriend. I have a limited time to talk about it (Gotta study!) so let's get to it.

 Music Video: 
Ok. Initially, I was like ok... this is weird. I liked how they introduced the members individually ; however I could no see their faces. How am I suppose to learn their names if I can not see their faces? 
Another thing is how the editing was done. Who the heck did the editing?????!!!! It was fine in the beginning and then later it seemed like the song did not match to what the members were lip syncing to. The Setting in my opinion was a bit over the top. I feel that they went a little to far into the ghetto scene, but it matched with the beat at the same time. 

OMG. I loved the touch of the body cameras. It provided a great new perspective. Instead of viewing it from the front view like a typical music video, it seems that they had one or two members where body camera. It seemed that you were there with them or walking with them. I love that new feeling! Innovation right there! 

Music and Choreography:
As a non dancer, I really love to watch the choreography of different groups. I like to see what type of style they can do. The choreography matched with their outfits and the set. ok Besides the "great" editing, I feel that listening the music alone is the best. When I watched the video while listening to the  music, I found myself trying to follow along with the music but I could't follow along with which member is singing. It seemed to be off. I liked how the beat made me want to learn the choreography. I liked how the confidence and the dance came together because it came off as a tough but yet sexy kinda way.   

I am a bit surprised with the members and how they were able to pull off their English. I could understand them clearly thought at sometimes where I am like "Wait what? Let me listen tot that again". However overall I am happy with the english that they spoke :D My favorite line is "Excuse my charisma". Like Wow.

I like the confidence that they projected through the music video. I could not see this as debut video if another group did it; however this group pulled it off nicely. When I first listen it for the first time, I was like "Wow I have never heard of this group before". Before I looked at the date it was released, I was thinking that it was their third or fourth song but nope.. it was their debut song. I hope to see this group have more followers! Hwaiting!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Kpop Group: Hotshot

What's up guys? I hope everyone is enjoying their evening so far! I know I have only posted one giant one about a Taiwanese drama but I am here to instead talk about some Korean Boy groups that have debuted recently or I just found them and love their music!

I first found Hotshot, which has six members and debuted last year on October 31,2014 with the song "Take a Shot". I like the debut song but in my opinion, I liked their song "Watch Out" a bit more. "Take a Shot" had a good beat and everything but I felt that the special effects on the music video took much from the music. Instead of concentrating on music and trying to learn who is who, you get a bit woozy from the moving pictures and different patterns that they throw at you. The music by itself is really good. It has a nice beat to it and makes you wanna dance.

The members from oldest to youngest are along with their stage names:

                                              -Ha Sungwoon (Sungwoon)

                                              -Go Hojung (Hojung)

                                              -Choi Junhyuk (Junhyuk) 

                                              -Kim Moonkyu (Timotheo)

                                              -San Yoon (San)

                                              -Noh Taehyun (Kid Monster)

My personal favorite song from them as I said before is "Watch Out". I love the choreography and how the editor did the special effects. it put a nice touch on the music video. Plus I love the warder they on. It isn't over dramatic.  My personal favorite member is San however they are a very talented group and I wish they got more followers!

Review and Thoughts on “喜欢一个人” (Pleasantly Surprised)

Hi guys! I wanted to spend time with the family so I didn't post anything! Sorry guys! I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday morning though! I am! I think that by the time, I am done with writing this post it might be in the afternoon. I just found this new Taiwanese drama called "Love Myself or You?" “Pleasantly Surprised" but the literal Chinese translation of “喜欢一个人” is "Like one person". It's a combination of a romance/comedy drama with a lot of dramatic moments... hence it is a drama. Well, enough about what it is! What is "Pleasantly Surprised"or "Love Myself or You?" about?

This drama is about a woman named Du Kai Qi who is played by Puff Guo (shown below on the left), a brilliant chef at a restaurant in Taiwan. (By the way, she is the same actress who starred as the main character in "Love Now!" with Aaron Yan from 飛輪海). Kai Qi comes off as a cold person and shuts off anyone who try to have a relationship with her. She just wants to open her own restaurant and live her life the way she wants. Besides being a chef, she loves to frequent a French resutrant by the mysterious Louis who is played by Jasper Liu. (below on right)

 Hahaha! You guys thought I was going to give away what happens in the entire the season? That wouldn't be any fun! The enjoyment comes from watching the series! heheh ok guys ill give you a brief summary of what happens so far but not too much where you guys might not watch it!

When the first episode started, I was mesmerized by the opening song. It gives a sense of happiness and carefreeness. To me it started to make me sway. Then, it shows a chef and damn is he good looking (In my opinion) and then it shows the female protagonist. (We do not know the names of these characters as of this point). The woman comments of the cuisine that she is eating and I think that the food that she is eating is made by the chef in the beginning of the episode. (WARNING: YOU MAY WANT TO EAT WHILE WATCHING THIS. I got hungry during this part and its only the beginning). We finally see the end of the meal and find out that the chef's name is Louis and the woman wants to meet Louis. But the waitress calls him "Mr.Fu"so that says something. But the woman who we find out later to be Du Kai Qi had to go on a family emergency. Thus, their fates from then on were intertwined.

As the story progresses, you can kinda see that she wants to be more open to people but just when she gets further and makes connections with others, she closes herself off again. She just wants to cook at the French restaurant she works at with several other people. Along with her co-workers, they begin to find themselves maturing into better people and forming relationships with each other and others outside the restaurant family.

Well... I can't give away the whole first episode but I hope you guys I am on episode 14 and that's how far i have gotten. If I had watched all the episodes in one sitting, I don't think that I will be able to write anything because everything will be a giant marshmallow in my brain. If someone says that you do not need a lot of energy to watch tv.. they are wrong! It takes a lot of energy to watch something, even if you like it! I find myself to be totally into the show and then when it is over or I have the get up to get something, I get so tired.

But.....I haven't finished the series yet because there are 22 episodes and each episode is an hour long. I started the first episode after finals and may have slept through some of the episodes so I am rewetting it. But so far, I feel like the story has a great plot line and it opens the main character quite nicely. Though, I feel that the relationship currently between the two brothers is really childish... Why would the older brother blame his younger brother for hurting his hand? Instead of whining and complaining and putting the blame on his younger brother, he should just try to make himself better! It should drive more determination in himself if he wanted to become the best chef!

What about the characters? I think that the characters had a great chemistry between them. There was no awkward moments but of course there were awkward moments between the characters when it was necessary. Every time a character cried, you can feel that your heart kinda hurting and feeling sorry for the character. For me.. there were a couple of tears here and there. Also, there were moments where you are like.. "What the...". but that gives good comedy!

Guys... I love a good romance and comedy but it's better when it's together. :D

(This is my first real post so it might not be good D:, I would appreciate it if you guys can leave feedback! Plus I will post an update on how I thought the ending was!)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Welcome to Eat Your Chow Fun!

Hi Guys! Welcome to Eat Your Chow Fun! My name is Jamie and I made this blog to introduce the wonders of Asian Culture and Beauty Products (Even though I am still a beginner at using Beauty Products, I can give you my first impression of them!) and how life is being as an American born Asian. I will also be talking about my feelings about different Korean dramas, Chinese movies and a whole lot more of movies. Also, I might review different music videos and the never ending new Korean pop groups that debut everyday! I hope you guys will enjoy my blog and I would love to have any suggestions about what to write about!